Drop Off - All students will have a designated time to enter and will be screened before entering
Clothing - Change rooms will remain closed until further notice and dancers must come to the studio dressed to dance
Footwear - All students will be required to have outdoor shoes and indoor shoes
Hand Sanitizer - Hand sanitizer will be available upon entry, in each studio and at the front desk
Social Distancing - Social distancing will be maintained per class and new signage has been posted as reminders
Masks - Masks are to be worn at all times in the studio
Washrooms - Each class will use a designated washroom
Hand Washing - Teachers will ensure that students frequently wash their hands
Cleaning and Disinfecting - Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of all areas of the studio
Policies Posted - Hand washing and sanitizing policies and procedures will be posted through the studio
Pick up - All parents will be required to wait outside, as only staff and students will be permitted into the studio
Parent/Guardian – All dancers age 6 and under are allowed (one) parent/guardian in the studio